Sunday, March 19, 2006

Natural cure - A herbal supplement

Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cholesterol, all kinds of diseases. Your body needs a little help to BEAT them. Sometimes certain supplements are seen as natural cures and with reason. If your body needs help, then a remedy that was trusted by your grandparents and great-grandparents is the right choice. Essies tea is an all in one herbal mixture with unbelievable results

Essies tea is a popular alternative herbal supplement used for a variety of purposes. It consists of the herbs Kelp, Red Clover, Watercress, Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root, Rhubarb Root, Blessed Thistle, and Slippery Elm Bark.

Read more about the eight herbs in Essies tea

Essies tea was used by the Ojibwas in Canada as a natural cure for cancer and numerous other diseases. An Ojibwas "medicine man" gave the formula to a lady that had breast cancer. She recovered completely and gave the formula to a certain nurse.
The health benefits of Essies Tea affects a great area of your body and immune system, (also the all important liver) and that is why it is so effective in restoring your body to good shape.

Read more about the benefits of essies tea

Visit this site and link to it.

1 comment:

herbal tea said...

Herbal tea eases problems associated with the stomach and digestive tract. A nice hot cup of tea may help to relax us or soothe our frayed nerves, but there are many more herbal tea benefits than that. Herbal tea is referred to in various ways. Among its nicknames are as sleeping tea, slimming tea, dieters' tea, cholesterol lowering tea etc.